conjunctions examples :Conjunction Sentences in English

conjunction in english grammar
conjunction in english grammar

Conjunction Sentences in English:

Before we get to know about the Conjunction Sentences in English, first we have to know what is a conjunction? Generally, conjunction refers to the parts of speech used as connecting words, phrases,sentences and clauses. If you get to the root of it, you will see they will or will not stand between the phrases they combine.

Moreover, what to know is, they are contemplated as the invariable grammar particle. In other words, it can be said that conjunctions are the source of the link of joining words, clauses or phrases simultaneously.

Suppose you have to write a sentence and you can’t even exceed it in a structured form.

For example – I eat rice, I like sleeping, etc. But when you will use conjunction, that time the sentence will vary like – I eat rice and after that I would like sleeping.

This is how you can increase the length of a sentence in the correct way. What makes a sentence more elegant and delightful is executing conjunction items and having an accurate form.

conjunction classification:Types of conjunctions:

The term Conjunction has been classified into some characters which can be put on its suitable manner.

They are:

1.Subordinating Conjunction

Such conjunctions have been designated as subordinators. There are many sentences having different dependent clauses. What it does is, connect those dependent clauses with the independent clauses apparently. Some subordinating conjunctions are – while, until, although, though, because, since, as, whereas.

For example- I can stay here until the guests arrive.

Here, until is the adverb which has been stimulated as a coordinating conjunction, which has been used to form a connection between two items. I can stay here is an independent clause in this sentence. And, ‘the guests arrive’ is a dependent clause. If you consider more precisely, there won’t arise any problem if you write I can stay here. Therefore, we name such phrases as independent clauses. On the other side, the guests arriving can’t be used as an independent clause. Because it won’t make any sense when you write only this part. But when you used it after the independent clause, it did make a well formed sentence. As a result, we call this part a dependent clause or subordinating clause .

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2.Coordinating Conjunction

The coordinating conjunction is also named as coordinator. A like its name, it coordinates more than one sentences, words, clauses and further parts of speech. More of it’s is, the connection of the items is developed bearing the same grammatical value from both sides. Such examples are- for, nor, or, and, but, yet, so.

Correct Sentence – I would like a frock or a gown for a wedding. We needed a place for a picnic, so we got ready and went to Rangamati. Maria didn’t have many books, but she read by.

3.Correlative Conjunction

These conjunctions work as correlative and thus work in pairs. They correlate to make the phrases or words in a sentence, which carries equilibrium importance. Some correlative conjunctions are like-

neither/nor, either/or, not only/ but also.

Correct Sentence – Not only am I working baking a cake, I am also working making some cookies. I am finished with both baking a cake and some cookies.

4.Conjunctive Adverb

You may not find the conjunctive adverb in all the learning processions, but it doesn’t carry less consequence in terms of conjunction. So, it’s preferable to have knowledge on it by wise. What the conjunctive adverb is, connect the clauses with each other significantly. Also, the contrast, sequence and other relationships like- causes and effects are shown by it.

Being a newbie of English, we start writing or making sentences which are simple and less complicated, or not complicated at all.

For example – My name is Abir. I am a student. I like books.

These little sentences show how easy and made able they are. But whenever you will use the conjunction segment, then the sentence will sound like- I am a student named Abir, and I like reading books.

conjunction rules and examples

At the time of using conjunction in a sentence, we have to keep in mind that the sentence is well organized. For that reason, certain rules have been created. These are going to be very handy while we use the conjunction to make our sentences more attractive. Here are such rules given below:

Conjunctions are mainly put into actions for service to connect the clauses and phrases. Not only that, you will the nouns and other parts of speech can be conjoined as well though it. For example – Tuli went to the grocery store and bought tomatoes.

● Regardless, conjunction can be used for making a list into the bargain. What it exactly proclaims is, adding two items or more than that. For example – We ate rice, meat and vegetables for dinner.

● On a note, when we use the conjunctions we have to ensure about the fact that the sentences are enough agreeable. That’s why we have to build the sentence in a structured way. For example – I work quickly still accurately. You can see that the sentence seems to be incorrect and less understanding.

What the correct sentence will be – I work quickly still accurately. Now you can say that the sentence can be agreed and the conjunction terms has been used finely.

how to start a sentence with a conjunction:

It sounded quite relevant when we heard that a sentence can be started by the use of conjunction. But that’s not actually true. If you go through the subordinating conjunction, there you will find a sentence can be formed if the independent clause appears after the dependent clause. Or, what you can do is, start a sentence predominantly with the help of coordinating conjunctions.

It will look more delighting if you add more emphasis on it. On the other hand, if you make use of conjunctions too much with the sentences, then the sentence may become lighter and lose its tendency. So, it’s also a matter to be alert that you utilize it fairly.

Correct Sentence – Have a nice party. And don’t forget to present your task there. Jhankar got the flowers. But there was no smell in it.

conjunctions list with examples: conjunctions examples

Some conjunctions which are commonly used, without considering the type on which it exists are-and, because, but, or, just as, for, neither, nor, not only, so, whether, yet, as etc.

When to use:

Some of the conjunctions need to be known, why, when and where they can be used. Knowing the certainties, it will be more helpful for you how to use them perfectly.

and use in sentence

and is used to join two things or ideas in a sentence.

for use in sentence

For is an alike word of because, like you are giving a reason for a particular thing.

nor use in sentence

Nor is especially used as a negative preference. It combines an additional alternative which carries a negative term.

but use in sentence

You may consider it the same as and. But to meet your doubt let me tell you that and conjoin two similar things. But it is used to conjoin two different things.

or use in sentence

Where you can actually use the word or is, to view as options among the alternatives.

So, The conjunctive word so also refers to the term of providing reason for anything.

Examples of Conjunction

The below sentences are the examples of conjunction, mainly the words marked in bold.

1.The day is cloudy but not rainy.

2.I have a pen and a pencil.

3.I would prefer a car for having a long journey.

4.Neither the red pen nor the black pen has enough ink.

5.I studied hard so that I could get good results.

6.I gave so many calls yet he is not receiving.

Conjunction Classification List:

Till now we discovered some ordinary and common type of conjunctions reliable to use in any sentence. Now we are going to transpire some definite conjunctions that need to be put concerning which part or classification it belongs to.

1 Subordinating Conjunctions

After, although, as though, until, only, only if, once, even though, even if, by the time, in order that, if, so, since, in case, by the time, because, supposing that, provided that, where, when, whenever, wherever, whereas, while, than, that, whether or not, as long as, much as, as soon as, in the even that, now that, unless, till.

2.Coordinating Conjunctions

And, but, nor, or, yet, so, far.

3.Correlative Conjunctions

Either/or, neither/nor, both/and, whether/or, not only/but also.

Exercises for Conjunctions:10 example of conjunction in a sentence

Here I am going to provide you some exercise for having a practice and well efficient in it. These are given below –

1. My sister loves flowers. She just bought a rose __ a stargazer home with her.

A. And

B. But

C. Or

D. Nor

Answer: My sister loves flowers. She just bought a rose and a stargazer home with her.

2. My father bought delicious foods __ us at home.

A. And

B. To

C. For

D. Yet

Answer: My father bought for us at home

3. I want to go for an outing __ I have to go to school today.

A. But

B. Since

C. Until

D. And

Answer : I want to go for an outing but I have to go to school today.

4. They do not sing __ they dance on any function.

A. But

B. And

C. Nor

D. Neither

Answer : They do not sing nor they dance on any function.

5. He is getting healthy __ he eats too much.

A. Since

B. Because

C. And

D. So

Answer : He is getting healthy because he eats too much.

The Bottom Line

By the above discussion, I hope the concept of Conjunction Sentences in English has been cleared to you. There are a lot of terms and need to know facts that form the process of conjunction. If you don’t know the correct format or way, then it will be hard for you to create any kind of relevant sentence.

For that reason, I will recommend you to have a sequence of knowledge about all the matters of conjunction. Only after that it will be possible for anyone to make a beautiful and nice sentence.

To learn conjunction in Bangla visit- Conjunction in bangla