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Right form of verb in bangla language

Right form of verb

Right form of verb:

  1. Look! The girls —– football. a. Are Playing b. have played  

c.played           d. play

ans: a. are Playing

explanation: বাক্যে look,listen,hush ইত্যাদি থাকলে বাক্যটি  present continuous tense হয়।

2. It is time —do the work.

a.did         b.doing

c.does       do

ans: do

explanation: it is time, it is high time ইত্যাদির পর subject না থাকলে to+verb হয়।

3. It is high time we—– the matter.

a.will discuss              b.would discuss

c.discussed                 d.should

ans: c.discussed

explanation: it is time, it is high time ইত্যাদির পর subject থাকলে verb টি past tense হয়।

4. Rahim walks as if he—lame.                         b.had been

c.has             d.were

ans: d.were

explanation: বাক্যে As if ,as though,wish  এর পর to be verb আসলে তা সবসময়  were হবে . অন্য কোন verb আসলে তাঁর  past tense হয়।

5.Some days —– since my father died.

a.are passed               b.passed

c.have passed             d.had passed

ans: c.have passed

explanation: Since দ্বারা দুটি বাক্যাংশ যুক্ত হলে  since এর পূর্বে present indefinite অথবা present perfect হলে since এর পর past indefinite tense হয়।তবে since এর আগে past indefinite থাকলে এর পরে past perfect হয়।

6.Rahim is looking forward —–to America. go                        b.go be gone      going

ans: going

explanation:বাক্যে mind, could not help, with a view to, can not help , look forward to, get used to,be used to, worth ইত্যাদির পর কোনো verb আসলে উক্ত verbএর সাথে  ing যুক্ত হয়।

7.My father insists on—-quality materials for the construction of our new house.

a.use            b.the use use d.using

ans: d.using

explanation: Preposition এর পর কোনো verb থাকলে উক্ত verb এর সাথে ing যুক্ত হবে।

8.Which  is the right is use?

a.It is no good of told to him

b.It is no use talking to him  

c.To talk to him is of no good

d.It is of no use how talking to him

ans: b.It’s no use talking to him

explanation: It is no use,it is no good এর পর verb আসলেতার সাথে ing যুক্ত হয়।

9. He ran fast lest he –miss the train.

a.has            b.should

c.can            d. could

ans: b. should      

explanation: Lest দ্বারা কোন  বাক্য যুক্ত থাকলে lest যুক্ত অংশের  subject এর পর should ব্যবহৃত হয় এবং মূল verd এর present fromবসে।

10. Don’t make a noise while your father—–. sleeping being asleep

c.has slept            d.asleep

ans: sleeping

explanation: যদি দুটি বর্তমান ঘটনা while/when দ্বারা যুক্ত হয় তাহলে while/when দ্বারা যুক্ত অংশটি present continuous tense হয়।

11. Choose the correct sentence.

A .Did You finished the work yet?

b. Did You finish the work yet?

c. Have You finished the work yet?

d. Have You finish the work yet?

Ans: c. Have You finished the work yet?

Explanation: বাক্যে just,just now,already,ever,never,yet,recentiy,lately ইত্যাদি থাকলে present perfect tense হয়।

12. I reached the station after the train—–.

         a. I reached the train station after the train has left

         b. I reached the train station after the train has been left

         c. I reached the train station after the train had left

         d. I reached the train station after the train left

        ans: c. I reached the train station after the train had left

         explanation:অতীতের দুটি ক্রমিক ঘটনার ক্ষেত্রে after এর পরে past perfect tense এবং before এর পূর্বে হয়, অন্যটি হয় past indefinite.

  1. 13. We often —– a victim of circumstances.

a. Fallen        b. felt

       c. did fall   d. fall

      ans: d. fall

 explanation: সুনির্দিষ্ট অন্য কোন সময় উল্লেখ না করা হলে বাক্যে যদি sometimes,always,often, usually ,everyday,daily,regularly, normally,occasionally,generally ইত্যাদি থাকে তাহলে বাক্যের verb টি present indefinite tense হয় ।

14.Here —–the bus!

a. came              b. comes

c. had come                d. come

ans: b. comes

explanation: যেসব  Exclamatory Sentence বা আর্শ্চর্যবোধক বাক্য  Here বা There দ্বারা শুরু হয়ে  বর্তমানে কিছু ঘটেছে এমন বোঝায় সেসব বাক্যে Present Indefinite Tense ব্যবহৃত হয

15.I—– a letter to my sister now.

a. wrote             b. did write writing               d. had written

ans: writing

explanation: বাক্যে now, at this time, at this moment, at present,still ইত্যাদি থাকলে বাক্যটি  present continuous tense হয়।

  1. AS the sun —, We decided to go to the market.
  2. has done  c.shine
  3. was shining d.shines

Ans: was shining

(When the telephone–,We were watching the Television.

  1. Ringing b. had rung c. rang d. rung

Ans. C. rang )

a. is walking         b. was walking

c. walked             d. walks

ans: b. was walking

   Explanation:  while এর পর যদি subject থাকে তবে অতীতের ক্ষেত্রে past continuous tense হয়। কিন্তু while এর পর যদি সরাসরি verb থাকে তবে উক্ত verb এর সাথে ing যুক্ত হবে।

a.come    b.came

c.comes   d.will come

ans: d.will come

Explanation: কোন বাক্যে coming, next, tomorrow ,in the days , ensuring, years to come etc থাকলে future indefinite tense হয়।

a.have been married

b.will marry

c.are married

d.will have been married

ans: d.will have been married

Explanation: বাক্যে যদি by month, by year, by time, by this time, next time ,next year, next month , by next time, by next month, by next year etc থাকলে future perfect tense হয়। they got down         b.when they got down

c.before they got down       d.then they got down

ans: c.before they got down

Explanation: No Sooner had+sub+v3…than+sub+v2

Scarcely had+sub+v3…when+sub+v2

Hardly had+sub+v3…before+sub+v2

a.Roshid has chosing the right way

b.Roshid has chosen the right way

c.Roshid has chosed the right way

d.Roshid has chose the right way

ans: b.Roshid has chosen the right way

explanation: have/has/having/had/to be + v3

Ans: d. cry

Explanation: need,dare,Make,hear,let,had better,would rather+(v1)

Explanation: preposition এর পরে + v ing

  1. Choose the correct sentence.

a. Each girl and each boy has a book.

b. Each girl and each boy has had a book.

c. Each girl and each boy have books.

d. Each girl and each boy have a book.

ans: a. Each girl and each boy has a book.

Explanation:Each/Every + subject+and+ Each/Every + subject+v (singular)

a. Sumi or her friend do the work.

b. Sumi or her friend have done the work.

c. Sumi or her friend has done the work.

d. Sumi or her friend has did the work.

Ans: c. Sumi or her friend has done the work.

Explanation: একাধিক singular subject যদি nor /but/ or  শব্দ দ্বারা যুক্ত থাকে তবে এদের পরের verb টি singular হবে।

a.has gone   b.have gone

c.gone      d.will be gone

ans: b.have gone

Explanation: but/or/nor শব্দ দ্বারা যদি  দুটি subject  যুক্ত হয় তবে verb টি সর্বদাই ২য় subject অনুসারে বসবে।(অর্থাৎ ২য় subject singular +verb singular/ ২য় subject plural+verb plural)

c.have              d.are

Explanation: বাক্যের subject হিসেবে যদি either of/ neither of ব্যবহৃত হয় তবে তাঁর verb টি singular  হবে।

a.Were             b.are

c. was                d.have

ans: c. was

Explanation:বাক্যের subject যদি a number of  দিয়ে শুরু হয় তবে verb টি plural হয়।কিন্তু subject যদি the number of  দিয়ে শুরু হয় তবে verb টি singular হবে।

a. No news are good news.

b. No news were good news.

c. No news is good news.

d. No news was good news.

Ans: c. No news is good news.

Explanation: politics, physics, gallows, news, mathematics etc singular হওয়ায়( দেখতে plural হলে ও এগুলো মুলত singular) এদের verb টি singular হবে।          b.was

c.have      d.has

ans: d.has

Explanation:যদি subject হিসেবে no one, anyone, anybody, nobody, somebody, something, someone, nothing, everything, everybody, everyone etc ব্যবহৃত হয় তবে verb টি সর্বদা singular হবে।

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